Saminarium 2024 (SAMI)


Important information

Instructor: MVP Sami Laiho, Course language: Englisch!

Seminar content

One of world’s leading Windows OS and Security Expert, Sami Laiho, finally brings his world famous Saminarium event to Austria!

This one day yearly event is a State of the Union talk about anything-Microsoft. Sami goes through the really important changes and additions to the Microsoft products and features in an entertaining and easy to digest format. Sami will go through On-Prem, Hybrid and Native Cloud options and shares his best practises Notes from the Field. This seminar is for anyone interested in the current state of Microsoft and what to concentrate on Next.

This year the topics include:
  • MFA has done it´s job - What´s the next MFA;
  • Un-patched systems are the most common attack vector - How to mitigate this?
  • Most important changes in Azure, Intune and Entra-ID
  • AI´s effect on security - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • State of Security 2024+
  • Future of SoC
  • Microsoft´s biggest and most important announcement digested for you
  • Windows Server 2025?
  • Windows 12?

Target audience

IT-Professionals working with Microsoft.

Prior knowledge

Experience with Microsoft.

Detailed content

  • What did 2020 and the pandemic teach us
  • Future of the Workplace and Microsoft’s role in it
  • The Cloud: All-in or Hybrid – what are companies doing?
  • Microsoft’s biggest announcements
  • How are endpoints managed in the future?
  • Security in 2021+
  • Zero Trust – the new normal?
  • MFA everywhere
  • Best Practices in removing Admin rights
  • Forget Internal networks!


Book online now

  • 30.09.2024 30.09.2024 1T 1 day
    Seminarort wird noch bekannt gegeben. Uhrzeiten
    • Preis 920,-

Subtotal excl. VAT

Do you have questions?


1 evaluation

  • 19.04.2022


    — Jürgen B.

    Saminarium 2024



    — Jürgen B.

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